For every sound you hear in the final animation, there’s six or seven other variations of that sound that did not get chosen. Recording many iterations of the same sound allowed for mistakes and timing errors, but also gave me options to choose from. This way I was able to select the sound that suited best.
Foley sound recording took three people. Usually I would make the sound with the soundless animation playing on my laptop in front of
me so that I could get the timing right. My mom or my brother Brian would operate the microphone, which is attached to my phone. (If you see footage of me on my phone, that’s not me texting. I’m naming the audio clips.) Lastly, someone had to hold the camera, my mom’s iPad, so that the footage could be used here to show my roughwork.
This video shows just a couple of examples of me recording iterations
of the same sound. To see every iteration for every sound made for the film, you can watch my full 5+ hours worth of audio recording sessions below. You can also see me struggle to think of an appropriate name for each sound so that they would not get mixed up.